Celebrating 35 years
Operation Hunger’s Water Tank Projects
Better Access To Clean Water

Lack of access to clean water has a severe impact on communities throughout our country, and all stakeholders need to join hands in eliminating the challenges.
The development of the rain water tank project is one of the methods adopted by Operation Hunger in providing water storage as a response to the challenges experienced by poor households in rural and peri-urban communities. An assessment process prior to the commencement of the project ensures that beneficiaries are involved throughout. As the methods used are participatory, trainees include residents from the identified communities. Skills taught equip all participants with the knowledge required to build these tanks. The result is a team of tank builders within each community. Close networking with the local leadership and community structures ensures sustainability of these projects beyond Operation Hunger’s exit.
To date, tanks have been built in the following communities:
- 14 around Mafikeng and Rustenburg,
- 98 in Ga-Riba, Tubatse Municipality,
- 21 in Jane Furse, Limpopo,
- 26 in Mashawane, Vhembe District, Limpopo,
- 151 in Ga–Molepane, Limpopo,
- 69 in Thoto, Limpopo,
- 10 in Mahloakwana Village, Steelpoort, Limpopo,
- 61 in Devilliersdale, Limpopo,
- 4 in Eshowe, Kwa-Zulu Natal
As a result, 454 households have access to clean water through rain water harvesting.