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Operation Hunger has implemented a nationwide Integrated Development Programme to combat the inter-related adversities associated with long-term malnutrition.
The Integrated Development Programme is designed to empower Nutritionally-Insecure households against chronic and acute malnutrition.
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- The projects initiated by Operation Hunger have a strong focus on the development of skills with which people and communities can take control their own livelihoods and as such are sturdily in line with current nationwide Enterprise Development initiatives. Empowerment, Education and Health.
- Case Studies have time and time again shown that medical and health conditions such as HIV/AIDS and TB have devastating consequences when coupled with poverty and malnutrition. Operation Hunger therefore took the decision to develop and provide a number of training and support programmes for communities specifically designed to address this concern based on the research findings.
- The communities in which Operation Hunger operates are generally situated in deeply rural areas or sprawling informal settlements with little or no basic services, very few resources and minimal health care systems. In these areas, we fight malnutrition with education and skills development by training stakeholders and initiating sustainable projects that address the root of the malnutrition problem, poverty.
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The objectives of this strategic focus and programme development is to:
- Improve the Nutritional well-being of the poor.
- Promote the dissemination of knowledge about poverty and malnutrition in South Africa.
- Improve existing facilities to reduce malnutrition in South Africa.
- Promote the capacity of communities to reduce malnutrition in South Africa and to render financial assistance to develop similarly effective programmes.
- Foster a long-term partnership with communities, organisations and authorities to combat malnutrition.