Self-Help Bakery in Kwa-Zulu Natal

Operation Hunger has established a Self-help Bakery located inHammarsdale Kwa-Zulu Natal.The kitchen kicked off with a bang as the ladies display their delicious confectionaries which are sold in the community. Over Seen by KZN Regional Coordinator, Bheki Zuma, Operation Hunger is happy striding forward and helping the ladies with the project which develops the communities and aides them to become self-sufficient which is the considered the best solution for the disadvantaged and malnourished communities in South Africa as many donors wish to create a lasting effect for these people rather than just a stopgap solution, as the saying goes; “Give a man a fish and you may feed him for a day but teach a man to fish and you may feed him for a lifetime.”

Thank you to all the volunteers and donors for the support! Remember that establishing sustainability is key to ending world hunger and malnourishment.

Story of Elizabeth Malan, Known as Mama Queen

Elizabeth Malan, affectionately called “Mama Queen,” started as a volunteer for Operation Hunger in the year 2009. She workshard in the Rooi Rand soup kitchen in Northern Cape with other staff members and volunteers to provide nutritious meals to children in the community.

Mama Queen is highly dedicated to her work and has been elected as the secretary of the soup kitchens. She enjoys cooking, working in the garden harvesting vegetables for the kitchen and also takes charge of the recycling and running of the sewing project.

Mama Queen has now been with Operation Hunger for nine years and is a loyal volunteer. She is still going strong and her hard work helps improve the community.

Operation Hunger staff and many volunteers have expressed high appreciation for all Mama Queen does at the kitchen and in the community.

Semester at Sea Volunteer at Operation Hunger Western Cape

34 Volunteers from the United States of America – Semester at Sea Program volunteered at Freedom Farm, Cape Town.  The students helped the Field Workers with children surveillance  and thereafter entertainment from project beneficiaries with the feeding scheme displaying its activity in which Two-Hundred and Seventy beneficiaries were reached. Recording of the data was done by the students, overseen by Clement Summerton, National Training and Development Coordinator.

The statistics at Freedom Farm stated; 80 % of the girl child carry expected weight for age, muacwas at 90% and only 3 percent stunted. General condition of the girl child was very good! 40% of the boys carry expected weight for age; muacwas at 50% and stunting at 10%. General condition of the boys was not too good given the majority of the area are at risk for malnutrition. Operation Hunger in Cape town will continue to monitor the boychild for better results.

A great thank you to Professor Ashby and her students for volunteering their time in helping the less fortunate.

Oom John Selebedi (86years), one of the most Enthusiastic Volunteers

Oom John Selebedi has been working with Operation Hunger for over ten years.His work with Bennie Berend our Regional Field Coordinator in the Northern cape has been inspiring.

When the soup kitchen was started in the year 2008 this elder man (Oom John Selebedi), who is now 86 years of age, was the first person to volunteer at the Gong Gong soup kitchen. He is an additional member of the committee of the soup kitchens and strives to provide aid to any who need it.

Oom John was the person who, when Operation Hunger first approached the community, spent his time driving Bennie Berend for orientation around the community.

He was in charge of construction of the buildings forthe soup kitchen to operate in and to erect the fence around the structure. He helps out in the yard and with the food garden.

He is still going strong and is present in every program or event Operation Hunger sponsors. He loves his work and will always serve the community through Operation Hunger.

Many ThanksOomJohn, Operation Hunger is happy to have your support and hope to have you with them for many more years to come.

Youth Helps Out At Operation Hunger

Two high school students, Amani Nchapha and Inati Mtoba, volunteered for a day at Operation Hunger’s new premises for our National Office to help us in our efforts.

Amani and Inata helped our organization in the collection of donations and the delivery of such items. Through the Forgood platform we at Operation Hunger receive a variety of donations including an offer of landline phones from Murray & Roberts for our National and Regional Offices. One of our employees traveled with the student volunteers to their offices to collect the phones. Their offices, located in the Douglas Roberts Campus, were easy to find and well maintained.

Upon entering Murray & Roberts we were greeted at reception with a request to study their Visitor Information Card, a leaflet which provides us with essential health and safety information. As Murray & Roberts is a company committed to protecting the health and safety of their employees, contractors and visitors and to further ensure the protection of the environment we were happy to comply with this request and follow all safety protocols as listed in the event of an emergency.

While reading through the leaflet at reception our contact at M&R, Claire Du Preez sent her fellow to meet us and escort us upstairs to receive the phones. Stepping of the lift and into the offices Claire met us with a smile and showed us the box of phones, packed, ready and waiting. Amani and Inati each grabbed an end and hosted the box up to take back to the car.  With a quick goodbye to Claire and associates we packed the car and were off. Arriving back at our National Offices in record time, Amani and Inati hopped out and took the phones inside to the gratitude of the employees of operation Hunger. The students, along with the employees, proceeded to unpack and sort the phones after which they spent the remaining of the day cleaning and packing.

We at Opetration Huunger would like to share our gratitude with Amani and Inati for the time they spent helping us and a most appreciative thank you the Claire Du Preez and Murray & Roberts for their generous donation. Operation Hunger would not be able to help as many as we do without the generosity of people like Clare Du Preez, Amani Nchapha and Inati Mtoba nor the charity of big companies like Murray & Roberts. If you would be interested in volunteering your time and assistance to our cause or if you would just like to know more about us please visit our website: or email us at:

“Be the change the world needs.”