Celebrating 35 years
Operation Hunger’s Poutlry Projects
Addressing Community Nutrition Needs

Four income generating poultry projects have commenced in the Western Cape thanks to once-off funding from Semester at Sea. These projects, based in Green Park, DeDoorns, Grabouw and Elandsbaai, will benefit three child-headed households, elderly people in the community, six families experiencing malnutrition and families affected by TB and malnutrition respectively. In all the poultry projects will generate income for 26 families.
The Malemati poultry project in Limpopo, funded by the Nedcor Foundation, represents a milestone in the development of this community. The 100m² building houses 1 000 layers and sells eggs every month on pension day, bringing in enough income for the 10 health carers to support their families, develop a garden project and purchase additional stock when required.
Ploughing of the land has commenced in preparation for the vegetable garden. This project is the only initiative in a community of 1 200 households and will result in 15 400 men, women and children having access to fresh vegetables and eggs. Ten women are running this project and 105 families stand to benefit economically from its implementation.
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